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  • Türkçe

Design Registration Appeal in Turkey

In the course of making a design application for industrial design registration protection in Turkey, the application is not subjected to an examination on the novelty of the design. If there is no defect in the application made after the examination, the application is published. This publication lasts 6 months.
Any person or organization, whether natural or legal, may appeal against these applications, provided that they also provide reasons. If this objection to the design registration is found to be justifiable, the design registration application will be canceled.

In Which Situations Appeals Can Be Made in Turkey?

  • If the application made for the design registration is for a design which is not distinguishable in the relevant sector,
  • If this design is available elsewhere in the world,
  • If the design subject to the application has similarities with your designs, it may be objected.

What happens if no appeal is made in Turkey;

In the design registration, the authority to appeal the published applications is the Turkish Trademark and Patent Authority. If any of the above-mentioned situations exist and if there is no timely objection to the publication, there may be a loss of rights and situations such as not being able to produce or sell that product in that sector.
How to be Informed about New Applications in the Industry in Turkey?
It is very difficult to follow the monthly bulletins without a system program. With the software developed by Sistem Patent, published bulletins are reported and monitored according to customer wishes. Thus, it is ensured that similar applications can be appealed in due time. You can get information about Design Monitoring - Tasarımscope service by communicating with our design monitoring department.

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