444 22 41
  • İngilizce
  • Almanca
  • Türkçe

Registration and Life Cycle of a Trademark in Turkey

  • The geographical area and scope in which the registration and use of the trademark applies. 
  • What are the characteristics of promotional activities related to the trademark (especially promotional activities in Turkey)?
  • Are there activities that are not advertisements but that can be useful for promoting the trademark?
  • Is there a court order showing the trademark's reputation?
  • How original is the trademark, what are the distinctive features of the trademark?
  • Public opinion surveys about the trademark's reputation and, if any, their results.
  • The characteristics of the firm that owns the trademark.
  • Does the trademark identify with the goods or services it is used on?
  • Are there documents or awards (such as TSE, TSEK, ISO quality documents, quality awards, environmental awards, blue flag etc.) gained by the product bearing the trademark or the owner of the trademark?
  • When the trademark is seen, does it evoke a certain product reflexively in terms of its word or form?
  • Does the trademark indicate a certain quality or status with respect to the goods or services it is used on?
  • What are the distribution channels for products carrying the trademark (other than the trademark owner's own distribution channels) and the import and export possibilities of these products?
  • If the trademark is sold or valued before, what is the monetary value of the trademark?
  • If the trademark is a publicly recognized brand, for how long does it maintain its recognition level?
  • Is the monetary value of the trademark shown in the yearly balance of the trademark owner?
  • What is the breadth of the goods and/or services portfolio covered by trademark registrations?
  • Due to the reputation of the trademark, is there any act of infringement against this characteristic? Is the trademark imitated by third parties?
  • Is the trademark open or not open to infringement because of the nature of the goods or services used on it (e.g. car brand and gum brand) or because of the nature of the potential and actual mass of the user (a product for doctors and a product for children)?
With its expert attorneys, Sistem Patent will assist you in acquiring a well-known trademark status.

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The trademarks are listed that we provide service under SISTEM PATENT.