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Trademark Monitoring in Turkey

After the brands have been registered, other firms in the industry may apply for similar brands.

While evaluating brands, brand experts of Turkish Patent Institute can decide whether or not these brands are similar, with their own perspectives. Their decision is published in the official brand Official Trademark Bulletin. If there are no objections made for the (trademarks) brands after they have been published in the journal, the brands became registered. In this step, an objection for the brand registration is only possible through a lawsuit by the court of industrial property. If there would be an objection for the similarity of brand by Turkish Patent Institute in the announcement phase, that is the first three months after the publication, the brand would be investigated in terms of similarity by Re-examination and Evaluation Board (YİDK-Yeniden İnceleme ve Değerlendirme Kurulu). If there are similarities found, the brand application will be rejected. This may cause damage for other brands in the industry which have similarities with the brand that is registered during publication. 

Turkish Patent Institute undertakes no obligation to inform other registered brand application owners about every new application which has been made.

Each month approximately 10.000 applications are needed to be monitored with regards to similarity via a software program.

With MARKANALİZ program and service which is a special proprietary of Sistem Patent, included in our Trademark Services, your brand is investigated for similarity and the reports are given to you on a monthly basis.

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Please fill in the form to receive information about your trademark and patent application.


The trademarks are listed that we provide service under SISTEM PATENT.