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What is Patent | What is Innovation?

Patent Definition 

"A patent is defined as the rights provided by an invention that is new worldwide or in Turkey and which presents a solution or leads a way to an existing technical problem. The document, which shows this right, is called a patent document."
Patent applications provide protection for up to 20 years from the date of filing.

What is an Innovation?

Fictive products that are used in the solution of a technical problem and have a technical characteristic are called inventions.
The most important feature of the invention is that it has a technical feature. Elements that are only ideas and do not have a technical feature cannot be considered inventions. While the invention may sometimes be a device or tool that is manufactured in a whole new environment, it may sometimes be improvements to a known product or method.

Protection Systems for Innovations

Innovations can be protected with two different systems in Turkey:
  • Patent System
  • Utility Model
Unexamined Patent System has been abolished as of January 10, 2017 and is no longer granted.
Examined Patent System is a patent granting system based on a research report. Protection can be provided for 20 years and the protection term cannot be extended. 
In the Utility Model system, a research report and an examination report are not required. It is easier, less expensive and can be taken in a shorter time than the other system with or without examination. The applicant may request a research report if requested. The utility model application may be appealed by third parties within 3 months of its publication. The applicant or attorneys may respond to the appeals. The protection term is 10 years from the application date and this term cannot be extended.


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