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  • İngilizce
  • Almanca
  • Türkçe

National Patent Application in Turkey

Patent protection is generally national, so a patent application allows you use your invention only within the scope of the your country. In other words if you make national patent application in Turkey, your patent will protect you and prevent others from making, using, or selling of your invention only within the borders of the Turkey. If a patent application is demanded protection of internationally in Turkey, it has three ways:
  • Applying directly to the relevant national patent offices
  • Demanding patent protection internationally in countries parties of PCT(through WIPO
  • Applying with the European Patent System (EPC)
If you wish to protect an invention only in a few countries, applying directly to the relevant national intellectual property offices is usually cheaper. Patent or utility model protection may apply accordingly IP regualtion and law of relevant country. However utility model protection is not exist in some countries.
On the other hand  you need patent protection more than three countries, applying directly to the relevant national will be high cost and take a long time. The reason for this, you need to submit a patent application to each country for filing to national patent. In this case EPC or PTC is prefered instead of national patent application.


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