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Patent Query in Turkey

"One of the most important steps in the process of acquiring patents, which is the most important factor that companies or individuals can register their inventions resulting from intensive R&D knowledge and accumulation and make them values, is to make a patent query. "
At the same time, before the new discoveries, in order for following the latest situation and developments in the sector and researching the investments to be made, a patent research will provide very important information.
Another function of the patent research is to allow the applicant to revise his/her invention in the case of the existence of a technology which has already been patented elsewhere in the world prior to the application.

What is a Patent Query | How to Make a Patent Query in Turkey?

A patent query is necessary for researching the intellectual and industrial discoveries that arise as a result of R&D activities. Nowadays, firms' intellectual inventories can sometimes get in front of their actual inventory. For this reason, a patent query is a must-do so that innovation and R&D work can proceed in accordance with the targets.
It will be appropriate to examine existing patents, especially from the problems that need to be solved in a technical field to the product development. In addition to this, the inventor must be questioned all over the world in order to be able to define it as an invention. The reason for this is that the concept of innovation, which is the essential element for patents, applies to the whole world. Therefore, research and query should be done worldwide.
The patent query process also allows you to examine the technical situation in the sector in which you operate. Approximately 85 percent of the technical documents around the world are in patent documents. These documents sometimes allow the firm to find solutions to technical problems without developing them. Often, with patent documents, it can even be seen that the technology you use have been patented years ago.

What can We Find with a Patent Query?

  • Technical field,
  • What technology our competitors use,
  • Whether the exported country has the relevant product protection can be found.

Benefits of Making a Patent Query

Competitors can be monitored technologically in terms of innovation and R&D support through a patent query. Millions of patent applications are made annually worldwide. A significant number of these applications do not have patent rights or certificates because they cannot pass the technical field or because the concept of innovation is lacking. Therefore, the patent field provides relief from technical field research and development or from entering patent application costs. Patent queries can be used to list existing inventions and it prevents us from facing patent lawsuits such patent infringement lawsuits.

How to Make a Patent Query in Turkey?

It is very important to know the concept of patent classification when making a patent query. Patent documents are classified according to technological fields. In this way, some data about the sector to be investigated can be easily reached. And also:
  • Technical field 
  • Information on patent rights and legal status of patents may be obtained,
  • Latest developments in the technical field can be listed.
The most widely used patent classification in the world is the International Patent Classification system which is called IPC. With IPC, technology is divided into approximately seventy thousand sub-categories. And it is constantly being revised.
Main Sections of International Patent IPC:
A. Human needs
B. Execution of operations, transportation
C. Chemistry and Metallurgy
D. Textile, Paper
E. Stationary constructions
F. Mechanical engineering, lighting, heating, weapons, explosive engines or pumps
G. Physics
H. Electrics
Each patent section is divided into classes. Patent Classes symbols contain a 2-digit number following the section symbol, for example: B53
Each class also contains one or more subclasses. The symbols of the subclasses include an uppercase letter following the class symbol, for example: A53B
Identification of these classes is an important step in conducting research, but the query is not limited to class identification. Patent examination is possible by analyzing multiple data and finding all the current data in the database.
The systems in which all the patent data in the world are combined are possible only with some services provided by private software organizations. Official patent organizations can also use these data and software. 
System Patent receives software support from the biggest patent software companies in the world and at the same time performs patent queries with a software group in itself and analyzes them. 
See here for detailed information on patent queries.


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