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Turkey Trademark Database

Trademark search is necessary due to see if any marks are former marks that are identical or similar. Percent of similarity give us percent of risk for brand application. If there is high risk, probably your brand will rejected and caused financial or moral damages to organizations. Therefore your brand should be different and unique from former trademark applications. So we can say distinctness is a kind of key element that provide to open gates for trademark registration. Alright, how can we understand whether the applications is similar to another former application? The answer is trademark search. A complete search is possible with professional company and its attorney and an exclusive program database.  Especially if you search brand in Turkey, you should use Turkey Trademark database.
A complete search provide that uncover all similar brands with your brand. The process is mandatory because trademark search is different from domain name search. Domain name search may focus on exactly correct hits with no similar names  . In other words a domain name is either existing or it is not. On the orher side the trademark process is more complex. Absolutely, the brand should be searched in a database what a similar brand is already registered or not for used on goods or services not considered to be related in any way.
Sistem Patent has created an online Turkish trademark database and made them accessible to the everyone through their websites. We provide you, valued customers, with the service of trademark investigation, using its own software and database. You may search with brand names on sector or brand classes.

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The trademarks are listed that we provide service under SISTEM PATENT.